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Optimal wills



At Optimal Wills & Estate Planning we offer specialist advice in arranging Wills, Trusts, Lasting Power of Attorney and Inheritance Tax Planning services. Estate Planning is not a one size fits all, it’s very personal to the individuals needs and circumstances in regards to family, assets, and wishes. This is where our advice can make a real difference to you and your loved ones.

54% of adults in the UK don’t have a valid Will or the correct planning in place should they be unable to live independently. That is why our aim is to discuss the important subjects of estate planning in a professional, yet friendly manner so you feel comfortable and positive about putting your affairs in order. By doing this you will have peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out upon your death and that the people you love are taken care of.

Failing to plan correctly could lead to unnecessary consequences that have destructive and long term effects. These could be financial hardship for loved ones, family upsets, disputes and heartache.

As a full member of the Society of Will Writers we ensure you receive a professional and comprehensive service in the areas of advice we offer in the comfort of your home.

Please note:
In view of the current Covid 19 outbreak,
I am currently offering appointments by telephone and video call.



The society is an independent body representing the professional Will Writer and the interests of the consumer.

All members hold professional indemnity insurance with a minimum level of cover of £2 million. Members adhere to the code of practise and complaints procedure.


Areas of Practice


A professionally written Will helps you to protect your loved ones, allows you to choose who benefits from your estate and ensures your wishes are acted upon.


The process of dealing with the estate of someone who has died, which includes clearing debts and distributing the assets according to their Will. This can be complex and overwhelming after the loss of a loved one, therefore we can help with the process
on your behalf.


Trusts are essential to help protect and keep control of assets for the beneficiaries. The assets are passed in to the trust for many circumstances subject to the needs and requirements of the individual and their estate.


Keeping your Will and other legal documents safe and secure is important so they are not lost or accidentally destroyed, which could lead to several issues. Placing your documents in a fireproof, waterproof and secure storage facility for peace of mind.

lasting power of attorney

You nominate and authorise the people you trust the most to be your Attorney. This allows them to make decisions for you or act on your behalf, if you’re no longer able to or if you no longer want to make your own decisions.

funeral plans

More people are paying for their funeral in advance so they don’t leave the burden to children or loved ones. We can help set up an affordable plan and lock in the cost at today’s price – the price of a funeral has risen by 42% since 2007!!


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